Saturday, August 26, 2006

In the words of Mick Blogger- I can't get no site-isfaction!

I can't believe how frustrating web site building can be. I've signed up with 1 and 1. Their hosting package seemed pretty good value, and I thought the website builder would be great to get me going. It is good- but I decided I needed more versatility (silly me!!!!) adn so I bought Dreamweaver and put together another version of my site.

Great- my site looks good, and the navigation is just what I wanted. Just one major problem. I'm struggling like mad with the dynamic content stuff - all I want to do is capture the data from people who want my newsletter - but I'm turning grey trying to do it. I can't even integrate the CGI's from 1 and 1.

I must be either totally thick- or these developers don't make it easy for us non-techies. (I'm probably thick, I know!)

Another day of frustration over- better get the kids something to eat before they fall asleep in front of the TV.

Till next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori!

Thanks for enabling the comments! It feels much better to finally be allowed to comment on your posts :)

Like I said in my email, have a look at the available scripts. If you need help with getting something to work, just send me an email and I'm sure we can figure something out together.

Best of luck!