I can't believe how frustrating web site building can be. I've signed up with 1 and 1. Their hosting package seemed pretty good value, and I thought the website builder would be great to get me going. It is good- but I decided I needed more versatility (silly me!!!!) adn so I bought Dreamweaver and put together another version of my site.
Great- my site looks good, and the navigation is just what I wanted. Just one major problem. I'm struggling like mad with the dynamic content stuff - all I want to do is capture the data from people who want my newsletter - but I'm turning grey trying to do it. I can't even integrate the CGI's from 1 and 1.
I must be either totally thick- or these developers don't make it easy for us non-techies. (I'm probably thick, I know!)
Another day of frustration over- better get the kids something to eat before they fall asleep in front of the TV.
Till next time.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
In the words of Mick Blogger- I can't get no site-isfaction!
Posted by Lori MacInnes at 7:17 pm 1 comments
Deciding on an Idea
I have spent days thinking about possible ventures, writing lists. I have gone through so much paper- it's a good job I recycle!
I've decided that there are several online ventures that I'm going to pursue. But after discussing my situation with family and friends, I realise that I have a lot of experience and knowledge that I could pass on. So I'm going to put together an advice ite based on my past experience, and that of business colleagues. Hopefully it will be of help to other people in a similar position to myself.
Once that's up, I'll get on with some of my other ideas- so I better get on with it.
Posted by Lori MacInnes at 7:04 pm 0 comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Well, after a night on the internet, I realise that there are thousands of 'home working' opportunites out there. A surprising number promise to make you thousands per month. I could spend thousands finding out that they are all a load of rubbish! There are a couple that sound interesting. I might check them out - I'll keep you informed.
But for now I think that I would be better sticking to my original plan, and set up my own thing. Keywords are interesting things. The ones that are of real value (high KEI's I think is the term) are the ones with the most competition. Not surprising really. From what I can gather, you are supposed to find keywords that are related to what you want to promote, but that are in a specialised enough niche to ensure that you get a high enough page ranking. Hmmm. Sounds easy enough, but I am struggling a bit with this one. What's a niche for cruise, or marketing? Maybe I should set something up about trying to set up working at home? But where's the niche here?
I think I need a day away from the computer, write out what I'm interested in again, and think a little more creatively.
Will sign in again tomorrow- unless I get a brain wave (which is highly unlikely!!)
Posted by Lori MacInnes at 11:27 am 0 comments
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Research, Research, Research
I can’t really have people coming to the house- and I haven’t got the flexibility to be able to go out and meet clients- so consultancy work is not an option. Weighing everything up, I’ve decided that some kind of online business is going to be my best option.
I have searched the web trying to find good information about how to make money online. I found some good (and free!) ebooks, from people who had made money through the web, and I have read these avidly. They have helped me to get familiar with the latest terminology, and I have been able to get some great tips on how to formulate a successful online business. But I still need to decide what business I want to develop.
I have now spent hours(when everyone else was in bed), thinking about the things that I know something about, the things I am interested in, what I enjoy doing etc. I’ve narrowed (!) it down to:
· Marketing (I know a lot about this subject)
· Website design (I know something about this, but want to learn more)
· Juggling time (kids, caring and work)
· Cruises (would love to have been a cruise rep in another life)
· Holiday planning with kids (I’m a dab hand at finding good places at the right price)
· Writing (oh to make my living writing scripts in Hollywood!)
· Christmas (should have been one of Santa’s elves!)
Not sure what the list says about me, but at least it’s giving me a starting point. So what do I do with this list? How can I turn any of these into regular income? This is what I'm not sure about.
I’m now going to spend tonight searching the web for sites linked to keywords related to the above. Not sure what I’ll find- but I better get on with it.
Posted by Lori MacInnes at 2:25 pm 0 comments