Monday, November 06, 2006

Fireworks and other bangs

I am making progress on the writing front. I have written a number of articles- some about working from home, some more specialist including PR, marketing and management articles- and am now applying to become an online author for several sites. Had a LOUD weekend- as I'm sure most of you in the UK did. I did try to get down to some work over the weekend, but only managed an hour late afternoon.

With the clocks going back and the dark descending upon us earlier, the fireworks began at around 4pm, and didn't stop until after midnight (so much for the 11pm curfew!) Some of the fireworks were amazing though- the bangs were SO LOUD, and the colours so bright- you'd have thought you were in a Florida theme park at times!

It was interesting to note that my kids were not that bothered this year about the fireworks. They watched some of the huge rockets that were set off in our neighbourhood, and when it came down to the few we had bought to set off in our back garden, they were not really interested. The phrase 'money up in smoke' did come to mind, and I have vowed that next year I'll keep my purse tightly shut when I go past the fireworks at the supermarket.

Oh well, back to the grindstone I guess.

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