Sunday, August 20, 2006

Well, after a night on the internet, I realise that there are thousands of 'home working' opportunites out there. A surprising number promise to make you thousands per month. I could spend thousands finding out that they are all a load of rubbish! There are a couple that sound interesting. I might check them out - I'll keep you informed.

But for now I think that I would be better sticking to my original plan, and set up my own thing. Keywords are interesting things. The ones that are of real value (high KEI's I think is the term) are the ones with the most competition. Not surprising really. From what I can gather, you are supposed to find keywords that are related to what you want to promote, but that are in a specialised enough niche to ensure that you get a high enough page ranking. Hmmm. Sounds easy enough, but I am struggling a bit with this one. What's a niche for cruise, or marketing? Maybe I should set something up about trying to set up working at home? But where's the niche here?

I think I need a day away from the computer, write out what I'm interested in again, and think a little more creatively.

Will sign in again tomorrow- unless I get a brain wave (which is highly unlikely!!)

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