Saturday, September 29, 2007

Finally some Action!

Website development, linking strategies and monetization have been my focus recently, which is why I haven't updated this blog properly for a while. I have been busy trying to focus on setting concrete goals and getting some actual work done, rather than talking about what I should be doing.

One of the most important things I have done over the past couple of months is to sign up to the fabulous SBI site that has so many wonderful web success stories. It has definitely helped me to make sense of Keywords, Search Engine Optimisation and monetisation. I still have work to do but I have made more progress in the few weeks I have had SBI! than in the previous nine months.

Playing to my strengths, I have put up a new marketing and business website The MacInnes Partnership- This website provides common sense marketing and business advice to both start up and existing businesses, and is linked to a number of articles I have written for E-Zine.

My current website, At Home Working, which provides information and resources to people who would like to start working from home, has been updated.

I have also started a new blog about Christmas (because I just adore the Holidays!) called Christmas is a Comin' . This is a countdown to the festive season and is me rabbiting on about finding bargains, planning, decorations, gifts and food.

There seems to a light at the end of the dark e-business tunnel! I'm planning two additional websites and given myself two weeks to get them both up and running. Hey I'm finally on a roll!

Thanks for reading. Speak soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Link strategies

I have been struggling with linking- the theory is fine- write articles, sign up to directories, get reciprocal links. I get the theory- why am I not getting the links?

I think I must do a little 'self talk' and tell myself that I can do this- and be successful.

Actions speak louder than words, and if I'm going to get a decent page rank then I need to get my act together and set myself some link goals.